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Jonas Train hard, race harder!

This is me


I'm Jonas, a marathon runner, PhD student and Editor.

Running is great! But it took a few years until it was my number one. Although I was already on the starting line as a 6-year-old at the local Schwaibach New Year's Eve run, I was otherwise more enthusiastic about footballs than running shoes. At some point, however, I had shot the round into the square often enough and at 15 I really discovered my enthusiasm for running.

After that it went fast. At 16 I ran my first half marathon, and at 17 I decided to become Germany's youngest marathon runner on my 18th birthday. My 42.195 kilometre journey through Mannheim took just under three and a half hours back then. On my 19th birthday, exactly one year later, I ran my first marathon in under three hours.

Since then, personal best followed personal best, so I have now reached 2:28:07 hours and have been able to win several marathons, but at the same time, despite over 30 successful marathons in Dubai, New York City, Paris, and London,... I have never lost sight of the shorter distances. But my heart beats without a doubt for the king's distance, the marathon.

While my heart used to beat red on the football level, I prefer blue when I run, the colour of the team that Natalie, our friend Patrick and I founded, the Roadrunners Südbaden. Thanks to our team, I associate running with pure passion and great emotions.

Personal Bests:

5 km 15:39 min
10 km 32:16 min
Halfmarathon 1:10:57 h
Marathon 2:28:07 h